Graphic Prose, Illustration & Creative Writing
Marcel L. Walker
I recently created this cover illustration for SLAB, the Sound and Literary Art Book, and it's now available as a poster that celebrates our collective will to rise up and speak truth to power.
In 2017, American citizens nationwide have demonstrated in opposition to political representation and policies that don't reflect the true will of the people. Inspired by Archibald Willard's painting "Spirit of '76" as well as millions of present-day revolutionaries around the world, “Spirit of ‘17” portrays the groups that make America great right now. Women, men, gender-fluid, young and old, gay, disabled and non-disabled, Black, Latino, Native American, and more, all march in unison, willing to adopt one-another's declarations as their own.
This is the "Spirit of ‘17.” It believes in science, it respects choice, it won't abide by walls, and it won't be silenced...but it must be shared!
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these posters will be donated to the ACLU of Pennsylvania.
Purchase the poster (or get it in other sizes) directly from Zazzle.com!